Application process
Applications are open on a rolling-basis from the 1st February of each year until the start of the LL.M programme in mid-September (early applications are however recommended). The LL.M class is limited to 25 students.
If you want to apply for the LL.M. in EU Competition and IP law, please follow these steps:
1) Send an e-mail to caroline.langevin@uliege.be expressing your interest in our LL.M. with a copy of your Curriculum Vitae;
2) Then, fill-in the online application/registration form:
- for Belgian citizens: https://www.enseignement.uliege.be/cms/c_9780514/fr/s-inscrire ;
- for EU citizens: https://my.uliege.be/portail/PRE_xt/login.do?as_lang=fr&tkRfhId=1489653305706hBJzx&lb_changeLang=true
- for non-EU citizens (please note that non EU citizens must apply before mid-April): https://www.enseignement.uliege.be/cms/c_9781036/fr/1re-inscription-en-master-de-specialisation-hors-union-europeenne?preview=true&id=c_9781036
- Please note that for all the above pages, you may switch language to EN at the top of the page.
3) Once the online form is completed, you will be asked to send by post to the ULiege’s admission department a signed printout of it with all the documents listed on its last page (copies of diplomas, transcripts, proof of language knowledge…) needed to assess your admission, in function of your profile.
4) Once the online form is completed, send an e-mail to caroline.langevin@uliege.be with a copy of the completed form in PDF as attachment.
For any query, please do not hesitate to contact the LLM Secretary, Mrs. Caroline Langevin (caroline.langevin@uliege.be).
Academic requirements
The LL.M. in European Competition and IP law is open to all applicants holding a Bologna Master’s degree in law or a degree that is deemed equivalent by the admissions commission (i.e. a 300 ECTS or 5 years educational programme in law).
Subject to a decision from the admissions commission, the LL.M. degree is also opened to students with a 4 years diploma in law with relevant professional experience in competition or IP law.
The LL.M. degree is also opened to students with Bologna Master’s degrees from business schools, subject to a decision from the admissions commission.
A more detailed overview of the general requirements can be found on the above links to the application forms.
Language requirements
To take part in LL.M. programme, a sound working knowledge of French and English is indispensable.
It is up to the student to determine whether he feels confident that his or her level is sufficient to understand and take part in classes taught in English and French. No specific language test is required by the admissions committee but you will be asked for information concerning your knowledge of various languages when filling the online application form.
Students willing to improve their English or French may attend language courses organized at the University during the academic year (for more information, visit: https://www.islv.uliege.be/cms/c_10332480/en/institut-superieur-des-langues-vivantes).
Tuition fees and living expenses
The University of Liège is a government-funded institution, whose fees are regulated. The tuition fees for the academic year are of €825 for EU citizens.
Tuition fees for non-EU citizens depend on the country of origin. See the full list of fees here: https://www.enseignement.uliege.be/cms/c_9113279/fr/droits-majores. For additionnal information on this, please send us an e-mail : caroline.langevin@ulg.ac.be.
Students must be financially self-sufficient during their stay in Liège. Information on the living costs in Liège may be found here: https://www.enseignement.uliege.be/cms/c_9059359/fr/cout-des-etudes (English language switching button available on the top right of the screen).