Case Studies in EU Competition Law



The course reviews an anthology of Court judgments and Commission decisions covering the full range of EU antitrust and merger control issues: cartels, other horizontal restraints and vertical restraints (Art. 101 TFEU), unilateral abusive conduct (Art. 102 TFEU), mergers and also restraints -other than state aids – involving companies entrusted with so-called services of general economic interest (Art. 106 TFEU). The seminar will also address some key procedural issues that typically arise in these areas.

The objective is to offer students a two-sided perspective: that of the enforcer and that of a private practitioner who assists companies in staying clear from the “danger” zone. Ultimately, the goal is to enable students to better understand what the notion of «restriction of competition » really means in EU competition law.

Given the case oriented nature of the course material, the Socratic method will be applied. Students will be asked to present the selected cases and the lecturer will coach the group in identifying key «take away» points.

Liege Competition and Innovation Institute
University of Liege (ULg)
Quartier Agora
Place des Orateurs, 1, Bât. B 33
BE-4000 Liege

Phone: +32 4 366.31.30
Fax: +32 4 366.31.55